
#Work Safe Home Safe

Work Safe Home Safe forms the basis of our safety culture here at Turner Access.

The purpose of it, and the values that stem from it, provide us with direction on what our behaviour and attitude should be towards creating a safe and healthy business environment.

What started as a safety campaign to raise awareness of workplace behavioural safety, has now become the central focus on how we conduct ourselves as a sustainable business.

#WorkSafeHomeSafe is an intrinsic part of our work culture. It aims to raise health and safety awareness and encourage people to consider the impact of their actions, on others as well as on themselves. Our employees are encouraged to challenge unsafe acts and work together to create a safe place of work.

We started Work Safe Home Safe late-2018 with a series of launch sessions that included an introduction to the initiative and a presentation focussing on behavioural safety. Every employee was required to attend the launch and asked to undertake a commitment to safety, in the workplace and at home. From this, we created the Work Safe Home Safe Commitment.

Work Safe Home Safe Commitment

There are three components that make up the Work Safe Home Safe Commitment to ensure our employees, clients and customers go home safely every day:


  1. Safe Organisation
  2. Safe Job
  3. Safe Person

Safe Organisation


Our Directors, Managers and Supervisors will demonstrate visible leadership on health, safety and environmental issues.


We will actively promote and encourage our employees to complete appropriate health, safety and environmental training.


We will continue to develop a culture where health and safety issues are openly shared, discussed and challenged.


Staff will have access to the appropriate resources and HSE systems to enable them to carry out their work safely, including the ability to report potential hazards.

Safe Job

Safety Champions

Every site will have a local HSE champion to act as a focal point for Health, Safety & Environment issues.

Risk Assessment

No one will start a task without being risk assessed and ensuring that appropriate controls are in place.


We will assess and plan all jobs to ensure that they are completed safely.

H&S Systems

We will regularly check to ensure that our HSE systems are being effective, via internal audit, inspections, and occupational health screenings.

Safe Person

Right to stop

We will maintain a policy where all employees have the right to stop work if they have legitimate health and safety concerns.


All employees will have the necessary health, safety and environmental education that empower them to work safely.


All employees will take responsibility not only for their own health and safety, but also that of the people around them.


We will involve all employees in the development of our HSE systems, to ensure that they are fit for purpose for the people who use them.

Employee Well-Being

Mental Health, particularly in the construction industry, is a huge concern. We must be proactive in raising awareness of mental health issues as a further commitment to our workforce.

Our promotion of Health and Safety in the workplace is not only about recognising physical signs and putting in place measures that prevent people getting physically hurt. We also consider employee general well-being and mental health to ensure we achieve a Safe Person, Safe Job and Safe Organisation (the values that outline the Work Safe Home Safe Commitment).

We have signed the Building Mental Health Charter to show our support in raising awareness of mental health issues in our industry. The Charter shows our commitment to providing our employees with awareness of poor mental health and the impact ill mental health can have.

Through support networks, we promote positive mental health, with the aim of reducing stigma and discrimination, and encourage open communication in the workplace, as well as providing access to mental health support and charity organisations.

Charity Support

Lighthouse Club

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides financial and emotional support to the construction community and their families who have suffered an injury, illness or just need some extra support. The charity provides a 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline support service including;

  • Emergency Financial aid to construction families in crisis
  • Advice on welfare and mental well-being
  • Support on legal, tax and debt management matters
Charity Website
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